917 S. Mill Street Aspen, CO

Completed 2018-2021 | 6,300 SQ FT | 2021 Sold for $25,500,000 | 2018 Purchase for $17,000,000

Overall Project Details

  • Toured properties with agent and client and chose this property as an investment for the client

  • Organized the move to this property

  • Unpacked and organized clients’ belongings room by room

  • Worked with clients’ existing furniture and the furniture included in the purchase price to decorate the property to the clients’ liking

  • Worked with local vendors to refinish some pieces to the clients’ liking after assessing the bright colors on some of the furniture

  • Excavated all the old glued-down carpeting

  • Refinished flooring

  • Designed new permanent metal furniture pieces that worked well with existing pieces

  • Inventoried the entire space and created the provisions list so the client could keep major pieces of art and furniture when the client decided to sell the property

  • Organized a moving plan to store, move, and relocate items to four different properties


602 Hyman Avenue Aspen, CO